date and schedule
Date: Monday February 17, 2025
Location: Biglerville High School Auditorium
Meeting Location
Upper Adams School District, Biglerville High School
Apple Juice And Donuts
Knouse Foods, Adams County Fruit Growers Association
Educational Exhibitors
Adams County Ag Innovations Initiative PA Department of Agriculture PA Office of Rural Health
Penn State Extension Penn State Extension Pesticide Education Program Keystone Health
Door Prize Sponsors
Adams County Nursery Adams County Auto Supply Boyer Nurseries & Orchards
Franklin Fence Growmark FS Helena Agri-Enterprises Horizon Farm Credit
Nichino Noble Software Solutions
Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants Tire Repairs by Sam
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors! They support the educational events for our Adams Country Fruit Growers!
Join us at Biglerville High School for the annual Commercial Tree Fruit School with Penn State Extension scientists and others with knowledge and news that impacts our industry. Earn category and core credits for your pesticide applicator license. The cost of the meeting includes lunch. There are also concurrent sessions on Pesticide Safety and an afternoon of Spanish sessions in the school library.
Schedule: Join us for donuts and apple juice provided by Knouse Foods and the ACFGA at 7:30a.m. The meeting begins at 7:55 a.m., includes lunch at 11:45 a.m. Our annual door prize giveaway begins at 3:15p.m. The day includes industry show and tell from our sponsors, updates from all of the Fruit Research and Extension Center scientists, several Spanish sessions, new respirator fit testing 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. and respirator fit training 12:00p.m.
2025 Presidents’ Day Agenda & Spanish Program Agenda
We will have the usual warm lunch in the cafeteria in two shifts.
If you would like to be a sponsor for 2025 please contact us at: for more information.
Cost of attendance is $30 for a member and $40 for non-members. Note that employees of a member can attend at the member rate. The price includes lunch.
thank you to our speakers and sponsors
This event could not be done so well without our many generous sponsors. Check out the full list of all of the companies and organizations that support educating our grower community.